- 2021: PPDS Patologi Klinis FK Uiversitas Sebelas Maret
Pengalaman :
- 2006 - 2008: CSR Posko Jenggala by Medco Foundation
- 2009: Medical Consultant (Medical Programmer), Coordinating Agency for the Security of the Republic of Indonesia/Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut
- 2009: Physician, Research Assistant, Therapy management and drug strategy of Dengue hemorrhagic fever research team of Prof. Dr. Umar Fahmi Achamdi, MPH, PhD and Dr. dr Leonard Nainggolan, Sp. PD-KPTI
- 2009 - 2011: PTT at RSUD Namlea
- 2012-2013: Poliklinik Malinau , Dokter Umum
- 2013-2014: Primaya Hospital Makassar, Dokter Umum
- 2014-2015: Primaya Evasari Hospital, Dokter Umum
- 2015-2017: Primaya Evasari Hospital Management
- 2021-sekarang: Spesialis Patologi Klinis Primaya Hospital Pasar Kemis