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dr. Yulia Ariani, Sp. A(K)

Primaya Hospital Bekasi Barat










dr. Yulia Ariani, Sp.A(K) sebagai Dokter Spesialis Anak yang berpraktik di Primaya Hospital Bekasi Barat. dr Yulia Ariani menempuh pendidikan Kedokteran Spesialis Anak – Universitas Indonesia.

Adapun pelayanan medis yang dapat beliau berikan yakni Konsultasi kesehatan anak menyeluruh. dr. Yulia juga merupakan anggota dari Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDI).


- Medical doctor, Faculty of medicine, Universitas Indonesia, 1990 -1996

- Pediatrician, Department of Clidh Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, 2002 -2008

- Course on Genetic epidemiology and statistic genetics, Leuven University, Belgium, 2006

- Medical Genetic course, Diponegoro University -Radboud University, 2011

- Workshop on Molecular and cytogenetics analysis, 2011

- Course on cytogenetics and microarray, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, 2011

- Course on microarray, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, 2014

- Course on NGS, UMC Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2014

- Course on radiologic examination of Inborn error of metabolism patients, Manchester, UK, 2014

- Fellow of Pediatric Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, FMUI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2016-2019

- Master Class of MPS, Singapore, 2016

- Course on Clinical genetics, Hong Kong, 2016

- The 1st summit on Genetics and Genomic medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Washington, USA, 2016

- Clinical attachment on inborn metabolic diseases, Department of Pediatric, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, 2018

- Doctoral program of Biomedical science FMUI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2013-2019

Sub Spesialisasi

Konsultan Nutrisi dan Penyakit Metabolik Anak

Pengalaman Kerja

- Medical team of Center of Excellence for Indonesian Rare Diseases, RSCM-FKUI

- Senior staff of Human Genetic Center IMERI FKUI

- Dokter Spesialis Anak di Primaya Hospital Bekasi Barat

- Dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan di RSU Bunda Menteng Jakarta Pusat


- Secondary nephrotic syndrome due to Hodgkin lymphoma, 1st author, National Congress oh Child Health, Bandung, Indonesia, 2004

- Profile of tetanus patients in pediatric ward Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta in 1995-2000, 1st author, National Congress oh Child Health, Bandung, Indonesia, 2004

- Diagnosis and treatment of supra ventricular tachycardia in children, 1st author, Annual Meeting of Child Heath, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2007

- Diagnosis and treatment of secondary nephritic syndrome due to Hodgkin lymphoma, 1st author, Sari Pediatri Journal, Indonesia, 2006

- Besarnya kontribusi 4eneti 4enetic dan lingkungan terhadap variasi Indeks Massa Tubuh pada keluarga dengan proban obes: sebuah penelitian pendahuluan melalui pendekatan 4enetic4c dengan menggunakan program SAGE, 1st author, Thesis, 2007

- Genetic and environmental contributions to body mass index variability of the obese proband's family. A preliminary study with biometrical approach using SAGE software, 1st author, National Obesity Symposium VII, Jakarta, 2009

- Genetic and environmental contributions to body mass index variability of the obese proband's family. A preliminary study with biometrical approach using SAGE software, 1st author, Annual Meeting of Child Health First winner of Young Researcher Award, 2010

- Konseling 4enetic:antara kebutuhan dan keterbatasan (editorial), 1st author, Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, 2010

- Identification of new mutation on NPHS1 genes in congenital nephrotic syndrome patient, 1st author, Asia Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Kuala Lumpur, 2012

- Role of Genetic and Environment on body mass variability in obese children, 1st author, Asia Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Kuala Lumpur, 2012

- Evaluation on level of knowledge and skills of third year medical students to do prenatal counseling, 1st author, Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, 2012

- Loss of heterozigosity in child with multiple congenital anomaly, 1st author, Ann Transl Med. 2015 Sep; 3(Suppl 2): AB170, 2015

- Developing diagnostic strategy of multiple congenital anomalies in Indonesia, 2nd author, Ann Transl Med. 2015 Sep; 3(Suppl 2): AB016., 2015

- DNA-array profiles of 8 children with multiple congenital anomalies, 1st author, The 1st Asian Researcher Symposium, 2016, Indonesia, 2016

- Identification of a Novel Variant in Exon 5 of Galactosamine (N-Acetyl)-6-Sulfatase (GALNS) Gene in Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA Patients in Indonesia. Ariani Y, Priambodo R, Sjarif DR., J Natural Sc Biol Med. 2019.

- Mutation Analysis of Exon 8 of the Iduronate-2-Sulfatase Gene in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II Patients in Indonesia.

- Identification of A Deletion Variant in Exon 9 of Iduronate 2-Sulfatase Gene in Patients with Type II. Ariani Y, Priambodo R, Hafifah CN, Sjarif DR. J Natural Sc Biol Med. 2019.

- Profile of Iduronate 2-Sulphatase (IDS) gene variants from Indonesian Mucopolysaccharidosis type II Patients: A Preliminary Study, Ariani Y, Priambodo R, Hafifah CN, Sjarif DR, 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Manila, Philippine. 2019

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