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Emergency Services (UGD)

Emergency situations can happen anytime and anywhere. This emergency service has professional resources and a sufficient facility, equipped with a medical ward, isolation room and evaluation room. This service is available 24 hours a day and is very reliable to you and your family.

Ambulance Service for Emergency, inter-hospital transfer, home to hospital transfer, patient return, ambulance escort, and disaster response. during the transfer, patients will be accompanied by our medical team.

Primaya Hospital Emergency Call Numbers

  • Primaya Hospital Tangerang: +6221-5574-9999
  • Primaya Hospital Bekasi Barat: +6221-8885-5222
  • Primaya Hospital Bekasi Timur: +6221-8267-8880
  • Primaya Hospital Bekasi Utara: +6221-8889-3000
  • Primaya Hospital Karawang: +62267-8417-777
  • Primaya Hospital Inco Sorowako: +62811-4232-45
  • Primaya Evasari Hospital / Jakarta: +6221-4246-630
  • Primaya Hospital Betang Pambelum/Palangkaraya: +62536-4212-888
  • Primaya Hospital Makassar: +62411-4562-00

Primaya Hospital received a gold seal of approval in quality and patient safety from Joint Commission International for four of our hospitals. We provide the best quality services which emphasize speed, hospitality, accuracy, and responsiveness to fulfill our patients’ needs. We are committed to always put our patients’ safety first in everything that we do. Our professional and caring doctors, nurses, and staffs are ready to provide their support.

Patient Inward

General treatment room at Primaya Hospital provides comfort and friendly services in a luxurious facility.

  • Maternity Care Room
    Primaya Hospital provides special rooms for the treatment of mothers giving birth. These rooms are designed to provide comfort for the mothers, babies and their family who might accompany them during labor.
  • Child Care Center
    To provide PRIMA services to children (toddlers age up to 12 years old), Primaya Hospital provides space and treatment rooms specially designed to meet nursing and comfort needs during child care hospital stays.
  • Special Treatment Room
    Primaya Hospital owns special treatment rooms that treats patients with certain medical conditions, the medical treatment will be provided at separate areas from the general treatment rooms.

Medical Check Up (MCU)

Healthy lifestyles are yet to gain acceptance amidst many of us. Job related stress, unhealthy eating habits, inadequate rest, high levels of pollution – all contribute to our health problems today. Medical Check Up is health examination that aims for early detection to discover a disease in its early stages. To fulfill your needs, Primaya Hospitals provide several Medical Check Up packages that you and your family can use.

Before a medical checkup is carried out, the doctor will ask for consent from the patient. Aside from some discomfort for some patients, physical examination usually has no severe risks.

An average medical checkup may include the following:

  • Updated health history. Your doctor may ask for an update on new developments and changes in your health history. This may include questions about your job and relationships, medications, allergies, supplements, or any recent surgeries.
  • Vital sign checks. This includes taking a blood pressure reading and checking your heart rate and respiratory rate. Your blood pressure should be checked at least once every year to once every three years, depending on your history.
  • Visual exam. Your doctor will review your appearance for signs of any potential conditions. They’ll check the parts of your body that could visually indicate any existing health issues
  • Laboratory tests. Your doctor may draw blood for several laboratory tests. These can include a complete blood count and a complete metabolic panel. The panel tests your blood plasma and can indicate any issues that exist in your kidneys, liver, blood chemistry, and immune system. This helps detect irregularities in your body that might indicate a larger problem.
  • Screening tests. A screening test is done to detect potential health disorders or diseases in people who do not have any symptoms of disease. Screening test is valuable for its ability to detect potential problems, while minimizing unclear, ambiguous, or confusing results. Common screening test. The following are some examples of common screening tests: mammogram, breast exam, papsmear, cholesterol test, osteoporosis screening, prostate cancer screening, testicular exam, colon cancer test, lung cancer screening, and depression test.


Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) are facilitated with international standard facilities. It has sophisticated facilities such as monitor, incubator, ventilator, CPAP and light therapy. Those three facilities are rooms for intensive patient care, ICU is for adult patients, NICU is for newly born patients and PICU is for babies, toddlers, and patients under 17 years old.

  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
    Intensive care units (ICU) are specialist hospital wards that provide treatment and monitoring for people who are very ill. Intensive care is needed if someone is seriously ill and requires intensive treatment and close monitoring, or if they’re having surgery and intensive care can help them recover. Most people on an ICU have problems with one or more organs. For example, they may be unable to breathe on their own.
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
    Babies who need to go to the unit are often admitted within the first 24 hours after birth. Babies may be sent to the NICU if they’re born prematurely, problems happen during their delivery, or they show signs of a health issue in the first few days of life. Babies with medical conditions such as heart problems, infections, or birth defects are also cared for in the NICU.
  • Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
    The PICU provides intensive care services to critically ill infants, children, and young people. These intensive care services include ventilators (breathing machines) and certain medicines that can be given only under close medical supervision. The PICU aims to provide a coordinated approach for improving the quality and safety of care for critically ill pediatric patients. Care of the patients in the PICU is guided by a multidisciplinary approach. Nurses and Respiratory Care practitioners are dedicated to the PICU and are specifically in tune to the needs of the children under their care.


Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) is an intensive care unit for heart disease, especially coronary, heart attack, acute heart beat disorder, and heart failure. Patients are usually unstable and require immediate full attention by highly trained medical and nursing staff.


Physiotherapy is a service done to individual or family patients to increase, maintain and recover a patient’s health. Experienced doctors and skillful medical staff perform superior physiotherapy in Primaya Hospital. Our medical rehabilitation team is ready to help recovering our patients.

Common conditions treated with physiotherapy:

  • Neuromusculoskeletal disorders: Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, ligament sprains, tendinitis, bursitis, capsulitis, muscle tears, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), neck injuries (whiplash), torticollis, neck pain, upper back pain, lower back pain, herniated discs, poor posture, dizziness, balance disorders, arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.
  • Injuries due to workplace or motor vehicle accidents (CSST, SAAQ)
  • Pre- and post-surgical orthopedic rehabilitation
  • Pregnancy follow-ups


Primaya Hospital laboratories can perform various laboratory tests such as complete hematology, blood biochemistry, hormone/endocrine, immunology and viruses, blood clotting factors, anatomic pathology, microbiology, etc. With the support of complete and up-to-date laboratory equipment, various checks can be performed at Primaya Hospital.

Intermediate Care (IMC) & High Care Unit (HCU)

Primaya Hospital has an Intermediate Care (IMC) unit, for patients who require special attention in their treatment but do not require ventilator aids.

High Care Unit (HCU) is a hospital service for patients with respiratory issues, body liquid and unconsciousness with the need for intensive care and treatment. The aim of this facility is to monitor the changes in the patient’s vitals, so we able to provide comprehensive medical treatment.

Surgery Facility

Primaya Hospital has 3 surgery rooms: clean operating room, contaminated operating room, and un-clean operating room. We have high-tech surgery equipment such as: laparoscopic machine, radiofrequency, anesthesia machine, C-arm, etc.

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