Primaya Hospital Sukabumi
Jl. R.A. Kosasih No.45, Sukaraja, Kec. Sukaraja, Sukabumi Regency, Jawa Barat 43192
General Info
In mid-2021, Primaya Hospital is present in Sukabumi to provide services to meet the needs of healthcare services for the people of Sukabumi and its surroundings.
Located only 15 minutesa away from downtown Sukabumi and from Sukabumi city bus terminal, Primaya Hospital Sukabumi is always ready to serve patients by providing an initial capacity of 200 available beds and various other medical facilities. Primaya Hospital Sukabumi will always develop other excellent quality facilities to meet the community needs.
Primaya Hospital Sukabumi is committed to improving patient’s health through a comprehensive health service program. Primaya Hospital Sukabumi prioritizes patient’s safety and high quality services for patients with a variety of excellent services such as the Eye Center, Mother and Child Service Center, Trauma Service Center, and Hemodialysis.
In the process of diagnosis, action, therapy, and rehabilitation; Primaya Hospital Sukabumi provides integrated services with other Primaya Hospital networks. This is a form of Primaya Hospital’s commitment to provide comprehensive health services for every community.
In addition to focusing on healing, Primaya Hospital Sukabumi supports every patient to lead a healthy life by providing a variety of routine health check-up packages such as the medical check-up package and various other healthcare packages.
Service Quality of Primaya Hospital Sukabumi
Primaya Hospital Sukabumi is a hospital in Sukabumi that prioritizes service quality and good quality including:
- E-MR: Electronic Medical Record
All patient medical records are integrated between units and therefore minimizing errors due to manual records.
- Short drug waiting time in pharmacy
Compounded drug <30 minutes, Non-compounded drug <15 minutes
Doctor Schedule and Emergency Room Number (IGD)
Doctor’s schedule and patient’s registration can be found here or at the number below:
- Registration of outpatients via WhatsApp on number: 0822 8888 9702
- Primaya Hospital Sukabumi telephone number (hunting): 0266 22 1166
- Emergency Number Primaya Hospital Sukabumi: 0266 2482255
Outpatient Registration at Polyclinic
Procedures for outpatient registration via WhatsApp
Full name / Medical Record number (if any) / date of birth / day and date of treatment / name of the intended doctor and polyclinic / payment guarantee used (personal, company, insurance, or BPJS) / contactable cellphone number
Emergency Room Registration (IGD)
In an emergency situation, patients can come directly to the emergency room and join the triage with the emergency room nurse. Then, the patient’s family or relatives can register for admission.
Visiting hours
Primaya Hospital Sukabumi understands the concerns of the patient’s family and relatives to visit and provide moral support. However, please be advised that the patient’s need for rest is necessary in order that speedy and better quality recovery can be acquired. Therefore, Primaya Hospital Sukabumi limits visiting hours from 11.00 – 13.00 WIB and 16.00 – 18.00 WIB.