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Primary Healthcare Services

Pusat Layanan Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah, rumah sakit awal bros, dokter bedah jantung
Cardiac and Vascular Center

Primaya Hospital provides excellent services in Cardiovascular and Blood Vessel Services to meet the needs of qualified services for heart health. Supported by professional medical personnel, paramedics and non-medical personnel, Cardiovascular and Cardiac services at Primaya Hospital are equipped with modern medical equipment.

Pusat Layanan Ibu dan Anak, rumah sakit awal bros, rumah sakit ibu dan anak, konsultasi dokter kandungan, proses bayi tabung
Mother and Child Service Center

As a form of commitment to maternal health and child development, Primaya Hospital provides Mother and Child Service Center through various healthcare services for women, children and infants including women's health, women's fitness (pregnancy gymnastic and yoga), pregnancy, baby massage, lactation, child development and various other types of services.

Pusat Layanan Trauma, rumah sakit awal bros, rumah sakit trauma, fisioterapi
Trauma Service Center

Trauma Service Center is one of the leading services related to the management of patients with emergency conditions caused by injury or trauma. The Trauma Service Center is supported by a variety of surgical and non-surgical specialist doctors who are experienced in the field of trauma. In addition, the Trauma Service Center at Primaya Hospital is handled by skilled, competent nurses, and has received special training in the field of trauma such as Basic Life Support (BLS), Basic Trauma Cardiac Life Support (BTCLS), and Emergency First Aid (PPGD).

Pusat Layanan Onkologi, rumah sakit awal bros, rumah sakit kanker
Oncology Service Center

Primaya Hospital provides Oncology services supported by professional and competent medical personnel and equipped with modern facilities. Primaya Hospital provides Mammography, Ultrasonography (USG) Mammae, Pap Smear, Vaccines, Bronchoscopy, Endoscopy and Tumor Surgery. With this wide range of services, it is expected that various cancers can be detected and treated early, complications can be minimized, and the patient's recovery and the life expectancy of cancer sufferers can increase.

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