Artificial insemination or Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) is a medical method with the aid of a kind of hose device to insert directly the results of processing the husband’s sperm into the wife’s uterus at the right time to the maturation of the wife’s egg. This was done by a competent Obstetrician or Ob-gyn Specialist at Primaya Hospital where previously the selection and processing of the best sperm cells from the husband have been carried out by medical methods by the Andrology Specialist.
There are several steps that must be done by a married couple before insemination, including consultation and examination of the wife by an Obstetrician or Ob-gyn Specialist at Primaya Hospital. Examination is done as a whole, including Ultrasonography (USG) examination of ovarian organs that produce eggs. Then, the hormonal treatment process is continued so that the wife’s egg cell is ready to be fertilized by the husband’s best sperm. If necessary, there will be further anatomical examination of women with the Hysterosalpingography (HSG) method in the radiology department.
Next, the husband’s sperm selection process is carried out by the Andrologist. The process begins with the analysis of the husband’s sperm quality (sperm analysis). If needed, an ultrasonography (USG) of the testes will be performed.
After all examination results are confirmed normal, scheduling will be carried out for the artificial insemination. Artificial Insemination Services are carried out by an Obstetrician or Obstetrician / Obstetrician. While Andrology Laboratory Services for the purposes of sperm analysis and sperm processing as part of artificial insemination are carried out by an Andrologist.
The series of types of services are as follows:
- Artificial Insemination or Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
- Complete Sperm Analysis (SA)
- Sperm Migration Test
- Anti-Sperm Antibody (ASA)
- Paternal Leucocyte Immunization (PLI)
- Free Testosterone
- Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
- Ovarian Ultrasonography (USG)
- Ultrasonography (USG) Testes